Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bakuman: Akito Tagaki [INTJ]

Introverted Intuition (Ni): It is actually originally Tagaki's idea to team up with Mashiro and become manga artists, not Mashiro's. He follows this dream unwaveringly, focusing intensely on his vision of the future. As the writer of the two man team, Tagaki imagines many original premises for manga. He envisions worlds with a specific premise and then lets the implications of the different aspects of his fictional world inspire him. Tagaki is a star student, acing tests and exams without much studying at all. 

Extroverted Thinking (Te): Between him and Mashiro, Tagaki is the more practical one. He turns to statistics when weighing the merits of different strategies and takes advantage of systems and analyzes exactly how they work. One example is the way he summarizes how well they need to do on surveys to get a successful rating. Tagaki lights up at the sight of a graph. ("I'm a data guy!") He is almost as critical of his writing as Mashiro is of his art. Every idea for a story comes after a series of rejections leaving tons of ideas that just don't make the cut.

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Tagaki is almost as passionate about his ideals as Mashiro. He has a great emotional investment in his Ni vision, rising and falling with each success and failure. He is unwavering in his loyalty to his vision, but also to Mashiro, walking out on Miura when he suggests that he work with someone else. When presented with new information, Tagaki takes a little while to fit it into his value system. He is much more open to new ideas and, unlike Mashiro, Tagaki is much more flexible when faced with a choice between being strictly "true to himself" and being practical. 

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Tagaki styles himself as a gambler in life, considering carefully and then jumping at opportunity. He is much more cautious than Mashiro, but nonetheless takes a lot of chances on the spur of the moment. When a slimy classmate offers to replace Mashiro as his artist, Tagaki loses it, beating the guy up and gaining the first suspension of his life.  

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