Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ranger's Apprentice: Lord Orman [INTP]

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Lord Orman deals in facts. When his father is poisoned he figures out quickly that it was not, as was rumored, the work of a sorcerer, but actually a devious plan of the well liked Sir Keren. He speaks bluntly and is quick to point out flaws like Will's lack of classical musical training. When he thinks his life is in danger he turns to gathering information, using his already scholarly nature to his own advantage in researching antidotes to Sir Keren's poison.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Lord Orman sees through Will's disguise almost immediately, putting together details like his camouflage cloak and distinctive horse and coming to the conclusion that he is in fact a king's ranger. He figure's out "Lady Gwendolyn's" true identity as well. When he is poisoned he zeros in on the best course of action even though some would think him crazy for seeking help from a so called sorcerer.

Introverted Sensing: Lord Orman is an intelligent man who's memory retains many helpful details such as the signs of an undercover ranger. He has several strongly held opinions based on past experience such as his assumption that Will, as a jonguler, doesn't play any music worth hearing.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): While Lord Orman has little natural charisma of his own he struggles with the fact that most of people at Makindaw prefer Sir Keren to him as a leader. His frustration is exacerbated by the fact that Sir Keren is actually a traitor to the crown and a poisoner. The fact that people assume that he poisoned his father bother's him very much and he resents that people don't trust his just because he is antisocial.           


  1. hey look at that the only fictional intp ever :p

  2. There are few... I'm sure I can find more. Such as many versions of Peter Parker and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. And there's an ongoing debate over whether the newest Doctor in Doctor Who is INTP or INTJ.

    1. well intp's dont make very good characters. we're to hard to relate to and dont make good villans like intjs do

    2. the only good intp character i'm aware of is calvin from calvin and hobbes :p

    3. Hmmm. I hate to break it to you, but Calvin is probably ENFP. Its the NP that's important though. That's what defines his character.

    4. I've seem some debate but most agree he's either intp or infp

    5. Although there's spock and Dr. Data. also some think gandalf might be intp too.

  3. Gandalf is definitely INTJ/INFJ in the book/movie respectively.
    I don't know much about spock or Dr. Data, but INTP seems reasonable for them.
    Calvin is definitely extroverted. Keep in mind that ENFPs are the most introverted extroverts. You don't have to like being around people to be an extrovert. Extroversion has to do with interacting more directly and comfortably with the world, and in the case of ENFPs "the world" and "reality" aren't quite the same thing.

  4. I agree. This profile that I found for him is priceless.
    If your interested, this blog has tons of character typings that I consider to be the most accurate on the internet.

    1. I finally found a good intp lead(ish) character. Its cortana from the halo series.
