Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ranger's Apprentice: Princess Cassandra/Evanlyn [ENFP]

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Cassandra adapts quickly to new situations and people. When she first meets Gilan, Will and Horace, she quickly realizes that she shouldn't reveal her true identity and comes up with a plausible cover story on the spot. She quickly follows Will's reasoning in understanding the seemingly unrelated events that come together to form Morgorath's plan. She always tries to remain optimistic, even when captured by scandians. She seizes opportunity with little hesitation, whether it is an offer to help her escape slavery, or the boredom driven inclination to follow a suspicious scandian wolf-ship captain.

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Cassandra is an independent individual, retaining her dignity even during her short stint as a slave. Even under threat of immediate death, she reveals her true identity rather than letting someone die for her.
 She is deeply traumatized when her escort is attacked and killed by wargals. However, she prefers to deal with her emotions on her own time, only confiding in others when her stress reaches critical mass. Even then she doesn't verbalize her feelings directly, telling Will what happened, not how she felt about it specifically. Cassandra takes on the defense of the kingdom with Will and Horace as a moral duty when she believes that they are the only ones with the opportunity to defeat Morgorath.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): One of the sure signs that Cassandra is an EXFP is her bossy streak. As a princess she expects orders to be obeyed and she has no trouble dishing them out. When is comes time for her to escape she approaches the task practically. She has no trouble manipulating another slave through bribery and she manages her resources carefully during the escape and subsequent months spent in the scandian mountains.

Introverted Sensing (Si): Cassandra's status as a princess and a noblewoman means that she learns all about politics and even battle strategy. She has a clear understanding of such things, keeping pace easily with Will and Horace, two apprentices who are specifically trained in those areas.

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